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First Time MDMA Trip Report

I've done multiple LSD and Mushroom trips, and cannabis more times than I can count.

However, I had never done MDMA.

I've heard MDMA can be much more of a "Love Drug", so I wanted to try it with my wife for the 1st time. She has been extremely reluctant to take anything since leaving the church. But this last weekend she made up her mind that she wanted to do it together.

We took 90 mg in a gelatin capsule around 4 PM and then went on a walk outside. We had discussions for an hour of "Are you feeling anything yet?", and "maybe this tree is a little brighter than normal". But we didn't really feel much.

We got home, and suddenly it hit hard. My wife felt sick and said she needed to lay down, so she laid in bed. I found myself sweating a lot, and had to use the restroom. It was kinda bumpy initially, but I recognized the feeling as I had felt similar things on Mushrooms and LSD, so I wasn't too surprised.

When I came out to my wife, she was feeling wonderful, and said she just wanted to lay together and touch.

We got naked, and lay in bed together. We cuddled, kissed, talked, touched, had sex, talked, rinse, lather repeat.

We had gotten in bed 5 PM and ultimately didn't leave until 12 PM midnight. 7 hours! It was one of the most memorable, life changing experience of our entire lives.

Around 7 PM, we took another 90 mg gelatin capsule, and an hour later, we were really deep in the feeling the euphoria and contentment.

Some of the mental state is similar to that of Mushrooms, LSD or Cannabis. But there are some major differences too. One of the distinct feelings that was different, was the "glowing" tingly feeling all over my body. Usually, other substances have the effects delegated to the mind. I thought sometimes cannabis edibles made me feel more of a "body high", but MDMA was 10x stronger with a glowing body high.

I closed my eyes a few times on MDMA, and I did see some flowing patterns (cubes, fractals, etc.), but it wasn't nearly as pronounced and colorful as it is on LSD and Mushrooms.

And another difference is the perception of time. Cannabis has a feeling where you get stuck in "Time Loops". Doing one things can sometimes feel like you've been doing it for eternity, when really it's only been 10 minutes. MDMA was the opposite (imo). 3 hours of real time felt like 20 minutes. Time went by really fast.

I felt such a pure communication between myself and my wife. I stared into her eyes and felt like I saw her soul. And we melted together. I wanted to do whatever I could to help her succeed and be happy in her life, and she expressed the same. Our marriage has never really been "bad", but just as any relationship, there phases where you feel more connected than others.

This was a time where it felt like our relationship melded together, and we fell in love all over again.

My wife repeatably said she felt like we were in the "Celestial Realm". That we were spirits and we were in heaven. And it certainly felt that way. No pain, no anxiety, no fear. Just love and empathy.

My wife really shredded religion, and was deconstructing the Mormon faith we were raised in. She realized how damaging and harmful the culture, organization and beliefs had been in her life and in others lives.

Love poured out for our relationship, but also for everyone in our lives and for everyone. We felt such extreme empathy and love. I had never felt such love before.

Ultimately, the feeling began to fade, and we went to bed.

When we woke, I was still feeling some major "after glow" in the body and mind.

We went to bed the following day at 9 PM, and I didn't wake until my alarm woke me at 7 AM. I was out. The entire experience was somewhat "exhausting", but well worth the fresh outlook on life.

Overall, I highly recommend MDMA to anyone who has the opportunity to take it. It was nothing less than life changing.

SOURCE : Reddit

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